Press RElease

We are very pleased to announce that ALPEX (Bursa Shqiptare e Energjise Elektrike-ALPEX sh.a.) has joined Europex as an Associate Member as of today.

Europex is a not-for-profit association of European energy exchanges with 31 members. It represents the interests of exchange-based wholesale electricity, gas and environmental markets, focuses on developments of the European regulatory framework for wholesale energy trading and provides a discussion platform at European level

ALPEX strongly supports the mission of Europex to promote and enable efficient, accessible, liquid, secure and transparent wholesale energy and environmental markets in Europe. Furthermore, ALPEX is fully committed to working towards the market integration of Albania and Kosovo within the region and at European level. In this context, we would be delighted to contribute to ongoing discussions and benefit from knowledge sharing among members.


Bursa Shqiptare e Energjisë Elektrike-ALPEX sh.a

Address: Rruga Liman Kaba, Rezidenca Olympic,

Hyrja 3, Kati 1, Zyra nr.1, Tirana, Albania.






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