AI EnergyX sh.p.k
Download Market Notice (AI EnergyX sh.p.k)
We are very pleased to announce the new Exchange Member of ALPEX sh.a, - “AI EnergyX” sh.p.k., for Albania Bidding Zone.
AI EnergyX sh.p.k. in their role as trader and supplier, with its headquarters located in Tirana, signed the Exchange Membership Agreement and became the newest Exchange Member on the ALPEX Day-Ahead Market.
AI EnergyX sh.p.k. is a company whose main activity is electricity supply and trading.
Bursa Shqiptare e Energjisë Elektrike-ALPEX sh.a
Address: Rruga Liman Kaba, Rezidenca Olympic, Hyrja 3, Kati 1, Zyra nr.1, Tirana, Albania.
Email: info@alpex.al