Market Notice

MARKET NOTICE WELCOME TO ALPEXENSCO Trading (ALBANIA) sh.p.k We are pleased to announce the new Exchange Member of ALPEX, ENSCO Trading (ALBANIA) sh.p.k. ENSCO Trading (ALBANIA) sh.p.k in their role as a trader, with its quarters located in Tirana, signed the Exchange Membership Agreement and became an Exchange Member on the Day-Ahead Market.     […]
MARKET NOTICE ALPEX WELCOMES INFINIT POWER SOLUTIONS J.S.C We are pleased to announce the new Member of the Albanian Power Electricity Exchange – ALPEX sh.a – Kosovo Branch, INFINIT POWER SOLUTIONS J.S.C, for Kosovo Bidding Zone. INFINIT POWER SOLUTIONS J.S.C. Garibaldi Str, 17/5, ENTRANCE 1, 10000, Pristina, signed the Exchange Membership Agreement and became a […]
MARKET NOTICE ALPEX WELCOMES INFINIT ENERGY DOOEL We are very pleased to announce the new membership of INFINIT ENERGY DOOEL in ALPEX sh.a., for Kosovo Bidding Zone. INFINIT ENERGY DOOEL Branch in Kosovo can carry out the activity of wholesale supply (trading) of electricity in accordance with the provisions of the License issued by the […]
Më 14 nëntor 2023, në Athinë, Greqi, ALPEX nënshkroi një Memorandum Mirëkuptimi për të punuar me palë të tjerë të energjisë nga vendet e Ballkanit, Shqipëria, Kosova, Greqia dhe Maqedonia e Veriut, me synimin për të bashkuar tregjet e tyre të energjisë elektrike.Nëpërmjet këtij memorandumi synohet të forcohet bashkëpunimi ndërmjet vendeve drejt arritjes së objektivave […]
On 26 of January 2024, ALPEX organized a workshop regarding Go-Live of DAM Market Coupling Albania – Kosovo in which participants were invited to attend physically at Hotel Marriot, Tirana, Albania or online. It aimed to better explain and clarify the DAM coupling operations between Albania and Kosovo and also to have a better understanding […]
On 14th of November 2023, in Athens, Greece, ALPEX signed an MoU to work with other energy stakeholders from Balkan countries, Albania, Kosovo, Greece and North Macedonia, with the aim of coupling their electricity markets. Through this memorandum, it is intended to strengthen the cooperation between the countries towards the achievement of the common objectives […]
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