The 17th of April Event Brussels

On 17 of April 2024, policymakers, industry representatives and energy experts convened at the European Parliament in Brussels for the "Electricity Market Integration Forum: Taking Implicit Electricity Market Coupling Beyond the EU”.
This forum aimed to facilitate a proper understanding of this initiative and generate political and regulatory support for the further integration of Energy Community Contracting Parties into the Internal Energy Market in the EU. In addition, this event provided solid foresight regarding the preconditions that need to be met for a successful and timely integration as well as the specific challenges that lie ahead for different stakeholders.

The geographical extension of EU Single Day-Ahead & Intraday Couplings SDAC & SIDC to Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Ukraine and Kosovo will be soon another practical example of what More Europe means in terms of Unity and More Social Welfare gains for Europeans.

Guided by the EU’s values and Acquis Communautaire, this integration project is a tangible contribution by all NEMOs to the EU’s policy on neighborhood and enlargement and will help promote political, economic and social stability across the continent.

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